Homonymous hemianopsia finding
This patient has a left homonymous hemianopsia. She fails to identify fingers in the left visual field of each eye.
[Doctor] Ma’am, can you please cover your left eye and look right at my nose, how many fingers do you see?
[Patient] One. Five.
[Doctor] Okay, thank you. Can you uncover your left eye? Now cover your right eye, and tell me how many fingers you see.
[Patient] Two. Five.
[Doctor] Okay, thank you very much.
About homonymous hemianopsia
Homonymous visual field deficits are areas of visual loss occurring in the same visual field of each eye. Hemianopsia refers to the loss of half of the visual field.
Contralateral lesions posterior to the optic chiasm, especially in the optic radiations and occipital cortex, cause homonymous visual field deficits.